Stay logged into Twitter then open another tab on your browser and visit or or other chat tool of your choice.
Enter the hashtag #MCLSchat then click start chatting.
If you are using, you must click the sign in button. It will then want to link your Twitter account to their website. Click authorize app.
The page will load and you will see all tweets where a Twitter user used the #MCLSchat hashtag.
The page will scroll automatically as tweets are added.
When you are ready to take part in the twitter chat, click on tweet. It will automatically enter the #MCLSchat hashtag for you.
The moderator will pose questions (designated with Q1, Q2…) to prompt responses from participants (using A1, A2…) and encourage interaction among the group.
The live discussion will last one hour, but feel free to drop in or out as your time permits.
When answering a specific question or comment from another participant, use Twitter handles to identify who you’re speaking to in order to avoid confusion.