Michigan school librarians and teachers can now rejoice! MCLS is thrilled to announce that three of the MeL Databases online classes have received approval for SB-CEUs for K12 staff! This is important for classroom teachers and media specialists who want to share the great resources of MeL with their students.
The three approved webinars, which are provided free-of-charge to Michigan library or school staff, are MeL Databases for Kids (aimed at elementary through middle school), MeL Resources for Young Adults Part 1, and MeL Resources for Young Adults Part 2 (both aimed at middle school through high school). The three online classes can be taken in any order. The only prerequisite is basic Internet navigation skills.
Upcoming sessions of these SB-CEU-approved webinars include:
(click on links below to register online)
May 19, 2011 – MeL Databases for Kids (K-8)
June 1, 2011 – MeL Databases for Young Adults Part 2
Earn SB-CEUs During Your Summer Break!
MCLS is in the process of adding more online sessions of these SB-CEU-approved classes to our summer and fall workshop schedule. Watch for updates to our MCLS Workshop Calendar over the next few weeks as we schedule additional class sessions:
We are also in the process of applying for SB-CEUs for additional MeL Databases webinars. Stay tuned!
If you have questions about online registration, please contact Heather Thomas (thomash@mcls.org or 800-530-9019 x133). For questions about MeL Databases training, please contact Suzanne Robinson (robinson@mcls.org or x134). For MeL Databases support, please email meldatabaseshelp@mcls.org or call x120.
The MeL project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.