RIDES Policies
Mission statement
The libraries of Michigan seek to implement a statewide courier delivery service that offers low-cost, rapid delivery and return of materials among libraries of all sizes and types, and provides expedited daily weekday pickup and delivery of physical library materials to participating libraries.
Participation and responsibilities
- Participation is open to any public, academic, school, special library, library cooperative, school district, ISD, or REMC in the state and does not require membership in the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS).
- Participating libraries are required to abide by the RIDES Policies and Procedures. Consequences of non-compliance are available on the RIDES Procedures web page.
- Participation in MeLCat is not required for participation in RIDES.
- Libraries may join RIDES at any time, with service beginning the first of the following month.
- Shipping supplies, excluding shipping containers, are the responsibility of the participating libraries.
- Participating libraries will abide by the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States
definition of responsibilities of lending and borrowing libraries.
- RIDES will not accept responsibility or liability for damage or loss, and will not reimburse, for any items that are sent through delivery without packaging.
- Libraries that participate as 'No Pack' accept full financial responsibility for their own books. 'No Pack' libraries may not invoice borrowing libraries, RIDES, or the courier, for lost or damaged books sent without packaging.
- Routine communication is primarily via an email list
, maintained by MCLS staff.
- Updates, announcements, forms, and general information are available on the RIDES web page.
- Each delivery site is required to have a staff member assigned as the RIDES contact as well as a staff member subscribed to the email list. Libraries are responsible for updating contact information via the RIDES Assistance Form.
- All participating libraries are expected to take part in reviews, surveys, and evaluations.
Delivery schedule
- Every participating library must agree to a minimum of 2 daily stops per week.
- Volume will be reviewed on a regular basis. MCLS reserves the right to require additional stops per week or increase prices, if necessary.
- Libraries will be able to add or decrease the number of stops at the time of subscription renewal, or at one other time during the subscription period. A decrease in stops must be approved by the RIDES Coordinator, based on volume.
- Service will be provided Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. unless the courier and the participating library agree to a different time period. The designated exceptions are posted on the RIDES Holidays web page.
Contract and payment
- Libraries that participate in RIDES will be assessed an annual fee. Annual pricing rates are posted on the RIDES Pricing web page.
- Program fees are designed to encourage participation and include courier costs as well as administrative overhead costs.
- The annual subscription contract period is July 1 to June 30.
- Schools may choose the option for Partial service from September through May.
- A library system with multiple buildings/branches or sublibraries may choose one of the following options
- Option 1: Receive direct service at a central location; use a local delivery system with cardboard boxes or totes (not green) provided by the library system to distribute materials to the buildings/branches or sublibraries.
- Option 2: Receive direct service at each building/branch or sublibrary; use the RIDES green totes to transport only interlibrary loan materials.
- Option 3: Receive direct service at each building/branch or sublibrary; use the RIDES green totes to transport interlibrary loan materials outside of the library system and cardboard boxes or totes (not green) provided by the library system to distribute materials to the buildings/branches or sublibraries. MCLS will provide barcodes and RIDES identifying labels for the local boxes or totes.
- Subscription renewal is automatic. All changes to service must be processed by June 1.
- No refunds or credits are issued for missed days of delivery.
- Credit is issued to libraries that suspend service for at least one month, or experience a service disruption of at least one month. Libraries will report extended closings via the RIDES Assistance Form at least 2 weeks prior to closing. Emergency closings are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
- Participating libraries may use RIDES to ship any circulating materials from their collection as well as photocopies of articles, book chapters, and other non-returnables.
- The courier will deliver other materials, such as library equipment, with arrangements made directly between the library and the courier, and with any charges paid by the library.
- Participants must agree not to send any materials prohibited by the USPS
. Participants must agree not to send letters prohibited by 39 CFR 310
- The purpose of this policy is to prevent the spread of any pest infestations that may occur with libraries participating in RIDES.
- An active infestation will exhibit live adult or larval insects, fresh frass (insect excrement and debris), and damage.
- Infestation information and solutions are posted on the RIDES Procedures web page.
- Any item that has a potential infestation should not be sent in the RIDES system, under any circumstances.
- Libraries will be responsible for the following in the event of an active infestation problem at their site.
- Notify RIDES immediately via the RIDES Assistance Form.
- Suspend delivery service immediately until the infestation has been resolved.
- Clean any totes or materials that may have been affected by the infestation, as appropriate for the type of infestation, before delivery service is restored.
- If an infestation is detected by a library site in any incoming totes or materials, the library should:
- Notify RIDES immediately via the RIDES Assistance form.
- Contain and isolate any affected totes and materials.
- If an infestation is detected at a RIDES hub warehouse:
- RIDES will be responsible for notifying any potentially impacted libraries.
- RIDES will be responsible for cleaning any totes or materials that may have been affected by the infestation, as appropriate for the type of infestation, before delivery service is restored.
Program Administration
- MCLS is responsible for billing, training, statistical gathering and dissemination, problem resolution, and communication.
- Comments or problems will be reported to MCLS via the RIDES Assistance Form. A procedure for participants to pursue unresolved problems is posted on the RIDES Procedures web page.
- RIDES will insure items with a maximum replacement value of $100. Additional insurance may be purchased by the library directly from the courier for items valued above $100.
- RIDES will reimburse libraries for lost or damaged materials as posted on the RIDES Procedures web page. RIDES will not reimburse for lost or damaged supplies, bulk distribution items, or other materials not explicitly covered by RIDES policies and procedures.
- Shipping containers are provided by RIDES.
- MCLS will assign staff as RIDES Coordinator.
- The RIDES Coordinator will manage the participating library agreements.
- The RIDES Coordinator will manage the contract with the courier.
- Participants receive delivery instructions and training coordinated by MCLS when service is begun.
- Training is provided in the most cost effective means possible (via web-based meeting tools, in-person, or via videoconferencing).
- Shipping requirements for all participating libraries are available on the RIDES Procedures web page.
- Procedures, changes in procedures, and tips are communicated via the RIDES email list
- The program will be reviewed annually. Surveys, focus groups, and other instruments may be used to determine the value of the service.
- Suggestions and feedback may be submitted via the RIDES Assistance Form.
Please submit any questions or comments via the RIDES Assistance Form.
Updated 6/29/2016